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Welcome to Food Matters 365!

I am happy you are here!  I look forward to sharing user-friendly nutrition information, wellness and healthy eating tips, recipes and more!

A little background on me:  I am a registered dietitian living in Greensboro, North Carolina. I have been a vegetarian for roughly 30 years and this is a lifestyle that has served me well. When I made this choice — oh so long ago!— health was only one of the reasons so I understand that there are many things to consider when choosing a path to health. I have been happily married to a committed carnivore for 17 years and have long since given up on converting him to “my way of thinking”. The heart wants what the heart wants, right? But really, I don’t feel as it is my place to convert anyone. As certain as I am that a plant-based lifestyle is right for me; I know that there is more than one path to optimal health.  Having said that if you are interested in guidance on transitioning to a plant-based diet I am more than happy to help! Most of the recipes I provide here will be meatless but can easily be adapted to suit your preference. I suppose you could refer to me as a carnivore-friendly vegetarian.
As someone who lives with chronic disease myself I understand the importance of  physical activity, quality sleep, stress management and the vital role that nutrition plays in maintaining quality of life. I can feel an immediate impact when I do not take care of myself. Maintaining my optimal health is very important to me precisely because it provides me with quality of life.
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or silver bullet diet that we can follow for one week (or month) and achieve optimal health. It is a 365 day a year lifestyle choice. But eating healthy does not have to be difficult, expensive or culinary drudgery. Really! Food is good for you and should be enjoyed!
I prefer to focus on sustainable new habits and healthy foods you can add to your diet rather than focus on what you may be limiting.  You might just find that you like the taste of health!  If you are interested in taking the next step on your path to nutrition wellness check out my nutrition counseling packages.
I welcome suggestions, feedback and questions so don’t hesitate to email me.  Thanks for stopping by!

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