Is there a diet for multiple sclerosis?

In the coming months I plan to dedicate some time and bandwidth to separating the wheat from the chaff in the conversation about the role of nutrition in multiple sclerosis. Based on the number and nature of the questions I get on this subject it is apparent to me that there is as much confusion on this matter as there are claims.


Why it matters to me:

Nutrition plays a significant role in optimizing overall health, reducing the risk for disease and improving quality of life for those with and without disease. As a registered dietitian and bladder cancer survivor living with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) I have both a professional and a personal interest in the viability of the nutrition and diet claims promoted to be either beneficial or detrimental for people living with MS.

It is easy to understand why we want to believe in a miracle diet, a superfood or an evil ingredient that if we eat enough of or avoid entirely we will “reverse” or “cure”our disease. However, it has been my experience that bad information often leads to unrealistic expectations. It is very important to realize that vulnerability of this sort puts a target on our backs…. a marketing target. To sell products, books, supplements, information on “diets” and more.

MS Diets:

Throughout this series I will focus on the role of nutrition in multiple sclerosis. The first article will review the nutrition claims and  “diets”currently being promoted for people with MS.  I will look at the purported benefits, the guidelines of each , what the current research says and point out if there is a cost involved.  I will also offer my thoughts on each.

Going forward I plan to address various topics including:

  • Fatigue and other MS symptoms

  • Gluten

  • Inflammation

  • Meal preparation tips

  • Vitamins and Herbal supplements

  • Exercise

  • And more….. What questions do you have about MS and diet?


I would like to help you separate facts from marketing or a sales pitch. I would also like to provide you with user friendly actionable information that you can use to eat better and feel better!


Reminder:  Please make sure you are getting health information from a reliable, credentialed provider. Even then, ask questions and verify.


So, check back often to follow the series… Is there a MS Diet?







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